Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Veteran's Day and Selling a Shiraz Rug

It was Veterans Day yesterday in the United States and was a public holiday. Shops and many private institutions were open. We were open too doing some paper work and paying few of the many bills I had waiting for me on my desk!

A customer came in and looked all over all rugs. She was looking foe a rug smaller than 6x9 feet in deep red and somehow geometrical. We finally found what she was looking for. A Shiraz rug, wool on wool (wool foundation). She liked it and bought it. This is the photos of this rug:


It was a very slow day.

Khosrow Sobhe


  1. I am following your weblog.It is really very nice.

  2. Dear Hassan,

    Thank you very much for your kind e-mail. I will try to write every day or so if my time permits.

    Best regards,
    Khosrow Sobhe
