Saturday, January 12, 2008

Persian Rug Speech & Exhibition in Bowers Museum in Santa Ana California

I went to Santa Ana this morning to visit the Bowers Museum there. The Persian Art Council of this beautiful museum has invited me to deliver a lecture on Persian rugs on April 26, 2008. I went there to see the lecture hall and the place in which we will have a Persian carpet exhibition. The auditorium in which I will have the lecture is the state of the art facility. The museum and its different halls and exhibitions looked wonderful and magnificent. I visited the book store in which they had two rug books, The Root of the Madder, and Tribal Rugs (by James Opie, a very fine gentleman in Portland, Oregon). We will have a book selling section on the day of the lecture. Below, you may find the web site of the Museum.

Khosrow Sobhe

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