Sunday, November 22, 2009

My Son Kash Repairs a Rug in His Liesure

My younger son Kash (Khashaiar) is 17 years old is here at work today with me on this beautiful sunny Sunday in Los Angeles. He wanted me to give him a job. I asked him to secure the lose fringes of a Turkoman rug which he nicely did. Kash is a senior at Beverly Hills High School. He has taken several AP classes this year. He has applied to several four-year university to study Information Systems. He is a dedicated young man with big dreams. He has an active web site with many followers and subscribers.

Khosrow Sobhe
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)


  1. ahaha, I love how he has his Vaio and his earphones listening to music and repairing a rug! Amazing pictures!

  2. Thank you for your comment. Yes, this is a digital era and rug repair people are no exceptions.

    Khosrow Sobhe
