Sunday, August 3, 2014

Down Sizing Rugs at Rug Ideas, Los Angeles

We down size rugs very often. There are different reasons for this and I mention few of them here. Sometimes our clients down size their homes and move to a smaller home with smaller rooms and they need to make their rugs smaller to fit the new place. Sometimes, part of a rug is moth damaged and they do not want to pay for reweaving the moth damaged areas, so we down size their rugs. Pet accidents, and stains on some parts of the rugs and getting rid of these nasty stains maybe another reason for some people. Whatever the reason is, we receive many rugs for down-sizing.

We do not use sewing machines and everything is done by hand by one of our technicians on site under our strict supervision.

This customer bought two runners from us and wanted one to be cut to fit the sizes of the stairs landings. We did the measurements, cutting and hand bindings.

Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Tel. 310-770-9085

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