Monday, April 29, 2019

Zebrahide Full Cleaning and Restoration

We don’t like killing animals for their skins and that’s why we don’t go hunting. But we specialize in restoring exotic hides/skins. Maybe with restoring these damaged hides, we prevent our customers to go to the market to look for new hides!!

We received this extremely damaged zebrahide from a client. It was falling apart. We washed, patched, and repaired it. We put a new backing with a waterproof fabric for extra protection. We also sewed canvas straps on the edges by hand to prevent it from curling.

Take a look and click on each picture.

We made a treasure out of this trash zebrahide. If you have an animal hide that needs care and love, give us a call to discuss your project. 

Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Certified Rug Appraiser (CRA)
15748 Arminta St. Van Nuys, CA 91406 Tel. 310-770-9085

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