Thursday, May 9, 2019

Bear-hide, Animal Hide, Animal Skin Cleaning, Repair and Restoration in Los Angeles

We don’t like and don’t approve killing animals for their hides, but we restore all kinds of hides to make sure their owners do not go to market to buy new ones and add to the demand. 

This Chinchilla patchwork was dropped off by a carpet cleaner for cleaning and restoration and the Bear-hide was shipped to us from Arizona. These are the projects Kash is working on now. This is an Asian bear shot in India in the 1930's by our client's father and is a family heirloom. It was brought in from England with the permission of the U.S. Fish and Wildfire Department.

We will professionally cleaned and restored the Chinchilla patchwork rug. We're going to clean the Bear-hide professionally, sanitize and soften it. We will restore and patch the holes and damaged areas, install a special type of fabric backing and sew canvas straps on the edges by hand.

I will post the after pictures when we finish the job. 

Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Certified Rug Appraiser (CRA)
15748 Arminta St. Van Nuys, CA 91406 Tel. 310-770-9085

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