Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Shag Rug, Shag Carpet Cleaning in Los Angeles and San Fernando Valley

Shag rugs with high piles were very popular in the 1980's but they're back again. Hand washing and deep cleaning of them is our specialty. We dust them first in our stat-of-the-art tumble duster to make sure all the dust, dirt, dry soil and allergens are removed. Then we wash them with pressure washer on the back and face. The next step is shampooing ans enzyming them followed with thorough rinsing to make sure no residue is left in the construction. After this comes the extraction of water by our centrifuge machine and then drying. This is the traditional way combined with the modern technology. 

After they are completely dry, we do inspection and quality control to make sure the job is done properly and your rug looks its best. If needed, rugs would be washed again or more detailing, stain removal and post service jobs will be done of course at no extra cost.

Dr. Khosrow Sobhe (Dr. Kay)
Certified Rug Specialist (CRS)
Certified Rug Appraiser (CRA)
15748 Arminta St. Van Nuys, CA 91406
Tel. 310-770-9085


  1. Rug cleaning needs highly professional cleaners who know well which product should be used. Great efforts.

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