We talked about different plans and programs for December and the new year. At the end of the program which is usually between 12:00 to 1:00 pm, each member introduces him/her self and we all exchange our business cards. It is a good networking opportunity for all of us. ASID is a national organization with 38,000 members. The Los Angeles Chapter is one of the biggest and more active chapters with around 1,800 members. Few Oriental rug dealers are also members but they are not active in regards with participating in the programs or in the meetings. They are just silent members who do not want to get involved.
While I was in the meeting, my son sold two 5 x 8 rugs to a customer. In the afternoon, a customer came in and picked up his rug which was left with us for cleaning. At home, I watched CNN for a couple of hours and the debate between the Republican presidential candidates. It is interesting to see how the Internet and Youtube are playing big roles in the election.

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