For a long time, I have thought to myself to find a correlation between the mentality/personality of a customer and the cleanness/dirtiness of his/her rug. I am getting closer to the belief that a dirty rug shows that the owner of such a rug is a careless person who does not care about being clean and having a clean and neat home. This maybe stereotyping and not true, but I am almost accepting it as a conclusion of running into so many rugs and customers like this.
How can you be a neat and clean person and live on a rug this rug shown here in these pictures?
If you are a mess person, your driving, your dress, the way in which you talk and act and maybe your rug mirror and show this. What do you think?
Khosrow Sobhe
I never really thought about it until I read your post. It may be partly true, but not completely. I am a very organized neat person at work and try to be at home, but life happens and the dishes pile up vacuuming gets pushed until tomorrow. Plus we cannot control the fact that there are people in our lives that may be messy. Interesting speculation though. I am always wondering why they bought the rug, not about dirt content.
Hi Mary,
Thank you very much for your comment. It is difficult for me to believe that a customer who has an extremely dirty rug is a person who cares about cleanness. We may be busy, but at least try to keep our surrounding environment and the inside of our homes clean up to a point at least.
Best regards,
This post send me for a loop. My sentiment is the following:
For example sake, lets say the average person has 4 area rugs in their home. One in the living room, vestibule, bedroom and dining room. Each rug will be subjected to different rates of traffic, and therefore dirt, grit, etc.
The bottom line question is... Whether or not every rug owner will bring one rug at a time for cleaning. I don't know, but I would opt to say I don't think so.
My feeling is that people will wait until the majority of their rugs need cleaning, and bring them all in at once.
Personally I don't believe the correlation has to do necessarily with their personalities, but rather, convenience.
My home is very small, and I like to keep it tidy. Although we live in the country, and dirt does find it's way in. Plus I have a very busy three year old. I have learned to hide the Sharpie pens out of reach! That said, some people can be absolute pigs. It's truly horrifying, and as a landlord I have seen it all. My stuff might be used, some of it shabby. It's always clean!
I would be incredibly ashamed, and apologetic if I brought in a rug that funky.
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